The Project
We want to receive an impression of the world as it really is!
In 2010 Peter spontaneously started a motorbike trip towards Italy with a friend. Just with a tent and very light luggage they travelled four weeks towards Sicily, Greece, Albania, Croatia and back to Austria. He was so excited about the freedom of travelling this way, that he decided that it won’t be the last. Year after year he travelled in different countries by motorbike, most of them with his girlfriend Claudia, who shares his passion.

There are many reasons for them to travel – for fun, for adventure and for the beautiful landscape and wonderful people that just come along their way during a trip. They want to receive an impression of the world as it really is far away from touristic paths and get in touch with foreign cultures. They are looking forward to eating exotic food and visiting historical places.
Their next big adventure will bring them along the way of the legendary Silk Road through Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria to Turkey with its colorful balloons in Cappadocia and to the beautiful beaches of the Black Sea. Georgia with its mountainous roads and Azerbaijan with the cultural city of Baku on the Caspian Sea are worth a visit. They are looking forward to getting to know the old culture of Iran, the desert of Turkmenistan and the cities of the old Silk Road in Uzbekistan. Tajikistan and the famous Pamir highway, Kirgizstan with its beautiful lakes and Kazakhstan with the interesting city Almaty are on the way to China, where they want to visit the old Silk Road caravan city of Kashgar. Pakistan with its spectacular scenery along the Karakorum highway is the last country to cross towards colorful India.