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Motorcycle trip from Mexico City to Route 66

Motorcycle trip from Mexico City to Route 66

An Epic Journey


from Mexico City, across Route 66 and exploring Baja California

Excited by the idea of venturing towards new horizons, I decided to embark on a solo motorcycle journey from bustling Mexico City to the dazzling landscapes of Route 66, all the way to Santa Monica in California and back home through the epic and captivating Baja California. This journey promised to be an unforgettable experience full of thrills, discoveries and challenges. Divided into three stages, each part of the trip offered spectacular landscapes, unforgettable encounters, and moments that will be etched in my memory forever. I covered nearly 9,000 kilometres, exploring ten states in Mexico and five states in the USA.

Heading North from Mexico

Leaving Mexico City heading north was the first step of this exciting motorcycle adventure. With the fresh breeze caressing my face and the roar of the engine as my travel companion, I set out on the road to embrace new experiences and discover new landscapes.
After bidding farewell to the vibrant urban life of Mexico City, the roads opened up before me, promising a journey full of thrills and surprises. As I rode, the city lights gave way to more rural and mountainous landscapes, with breathtaking views that reminded me of the majesty of my country.
One of the highlights of this stage was Monterrey, a vibrant city full of energy that captivated my senses. With the majestic Sierra Madre as its backdrop, Monterrey welcomed me with open arms, offering me a perfect blend of modernity and tradition. Here, I had the opportunity to explore the city’s streets, enjoy its delicious cuisine, and immerse myself in its rich culture.
After recharging in Monterrey, I continued my journey north, aiming to reach Laredo to cross the border into the United States. This stretch of the journey was full of excitement and anticipation as I drew closer and closer to facing a new experience: crossing the border on a motorcycle for the first time.
With my heart full of enthusiasm I arrived in Laredo, where I prepared for the exciting challenge that awaited me. Crossing the border was an unforgettable experience, full of red tape and mixed emotions. However, the feeling of freedom and adventure that I experienced riding on the roads of the United States made every obstacle worth it.
The first stage of my journey was just the beginning of an exciting adventure that would lead me to travel thousands of kilometres, explore new places and embrace unforgettable experiences. With the wind in my face and the road stretching out before me, I prepared for what would come next on this journey of discovery and adventure.

Route 66: a Journey through History

After crossing the border and venturing into the United States, my journey continued through the iconic state of Texas, where cities full of history and diversity awaited me. From San Antonio to Dallas, passing through Austin, each stop was a new adventure, marked by wind and rain, scorching heat or intense cold, challenging my endurance and determination.
In Texas, I experienced authentic Southern culture, with its music, cuisine and unmatched hospitality. But my true adventure began as I embarked on the legendary Route 66, an iconic symbol of American culture and a dream come true for any lover of motorcycle travel.
My journey along Route 66 took me through Oklahoma, where every city and town along the way had its own fascinating story to tell. From the Stafford Air & Space Museum in Weatherford to the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton, each stop was an opportunity to immerse myself in the rich history and spirit of this iconic road.
In Elk City, I marvelled at the National Route 66 Museum, where I learned about the pioneers and adventurers who travelled this historic route in search of new horizons. In Erick, I visited the Sandhill Curiosity Shop, a unique place full of memories and curiosities from Route 66 that transported me back in time.
The fourth day of my journey along Route 66 took me back through Texas and into New Mexico, both with some unforgettable stops. In Amarillo, I enjoyed delicious food at the famous Big Texan Steak Ranch and visited the iconic Cadillac Ranch. At the iconic MidPoint in Adrian, I celebrated reaching the halfway point of Route 66. In Tucumcari, I explored the Route 66 Auto Museum and stayed at the charming Blue Swallow Motel, a gem of Route 66 that retains its vintage charm.

My journey through New Mexico culminated in Santa Fe, where I visited the intriguing Meow Wolf Santa Fe before continuing my journey to Arizona. From the majesty of the Grand Canyon to the charming towns along the way, each day of my journey along Route 66 was a new adventure full of discoveries and thrills.
After days of travel full of history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes, I finally reached my destination in sunny Santa Monica, where the iconic beach and pier welcomed me with open arms, marking the end of an unforgettable stage of my journey. Along the way to the West Coast, I’d enjoyed unforgettable experiences such as visiting Jesse Pinkman's house from Breaking Bad in Albuquerque, exploring the Meteor Crater Visitor Center in Arizona, and stopping at the iconic Hackberry General Store on Route 66. Finally, crossing the California desert was a challenging but exciting experience, culminating in my arrival at the iconic Santa Monica Pier, where I could contemplate the Pacific Ocean and reflect on everything I’d experienced on my journey along the historic Route 66.

Baja California and returning Home

After soaking up the splendour of the West Coast in Santa Monica, the return leg of my journey continued, exploring the natural and cultural wonders of Baja California, Mexico. This stage of my journey promised to be an unforgettable adventure, full of breathtaking landscapes, near-deserted beaches, and a variety of unique experiences.
From Santa Monica to Tijuana, crossing the border between the United States and Mexico, I entered the vibrant atmosphere of the border city, where culture, gastronomy, and history intertwine in a fascinating blend. After crossing the border, my first stop in Mexico was Ensenada, a charming coastal town known for its wines, gastronomy and stunning marine landscapes.
Ensenada welcomed me with golden sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the sun. I also had the opportunity to explore the famous Bufadora, a marine geyser that offers a stunning spectacle with every wave.
As I continued my journey through Baja California, I ventured into the vast and surprising desert that characterises this region. Filled with arid landscapes and rugged beauty, the Baja California desert captivated me with its tranquillity and majesty.
My route took me to impressive places like Bahía de Los Ángeles, where the blue waters of the Sea of Cortez meet the arid desert, creating a landscape of unique beauty. In this coastal paradise, I was able to enjoy almost completely deserted beaches and the opportunity to explore marine life in its crystal-clear waters.
I continued my journey to Rosarito, known for its stunning beaches and lively nightlife. Here, I seized my chance to relax on the beach, taste delicious local food, and enjoy the unique energy of this charming coastal town.

Further along my route, I arrived in Mulegé, an oasis in the middle of the desert that surprised me with its lush vegetation and impressive landscapes. I explored sea caves, relaxed on beautiful beaches, and marvelled at the natural beauty surrounding this picturesque town.
Continuing my journey, I arrived in Loreto, an idyllic coastal town with a rich history and stunning natural beauty. Here, I enjoyed breathtaking views of the Sea of Cortez, explored the historic Mission of Our Lady of Loreto, and had the opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture.
Each stop on my journey through Baja California was a unique and memorable experience, offering me the opportunity to explore stunning landscapes, soak up the local culture, and create unforgettable memories on the way back home.
The highlight of this stage of my journey was the ferry crossing from La Paz to Mazatlán, a unique experience that allowed me to enjoy stunning views of the ocean and appreciate the beauty of the sea in a completely new way. The ferry was both exciting and relaxing at the same time, and gave me the opportunity to reflect on all the incredible moments I had experienced on my journey so far.
From Mazatlán, I travelled over 1,000 kilometres to return home to Mexico City, passing through picturesque towns, majestic mountains, and beautiful landscapes along the way. Every kilometre was an opportunity to remember the adventures and experiences of my journey and to feel grateful for the opportunity to explore these new and exciting places.
With my heart full of memories and my spirit renewed by the experiences I’d been through, I returned home knowing that my journey through Baja California had been an unforgettable adventure that I will cherish in my heart forever.