From Turkey to Iraq
Starting from the Middle East
After a long wait of 2 years during the Covid-19 pandemic, they decided to continue their “African Adventure” starting with the Middle East, thus began with Turkey. In December 2021, they had decided to ship the bike to Turkey due to the continued issues with land border closures in many parts of their originally planned route to Africa. Having to abandon their last adventure in 2019 in Iran when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, they felt that returning to where they left off was a great option.
After 7 months, and 22,000 km to reach Iran and having to go right back to where they started from was disappointing… but real over landers always find a way for them to continue their adventure!
In January 2022, their motorcycle, Triumph Tiger fully loaded with GIVI equipment and accessories was lifted onto a truck and sent to Port Klang. From there, it went into a container for 7 weeks and was reunited with their bike in the port of Istanbul:
“It’s so, so cold riding Minus 5 Celsius, Thankfully GIVI inner thermal wear kept us warm” – Dave McDermid.
Through snowstorms, sandstorms, and rainstorms the next 30 days and over 3000 km was an incredible adventure in an amazing country for this couple rider. Turkey has an incredibly rich history dating back many thousands of years. Wonderful people, great food, and beautiful roads to ride, who could ask for more!
Now with the crossing into Northern Iraq, they are ready to conquer the journey and many more adventures! So, stay tuned for their updates!!!! Explore enjoy….